What could possibly make that epic ride better?
How bout bombing down trails newly paved gold by the shower of aspen leaves?
Or maybe crisp blue skies, with yesterday's dusting of snow still lingering on the north slopes,
and grove after grove of slender aspens at the peak of their glory?
How bout ear to ear grins....
and sharing a moment of laughter?
...to say nothing of the welling of pride at the sight of twin bright flames, unquenchable in their element.
What of marveling at the world awash in gold.....
........and copper.....
....and the myriad of colors between?
How bout the freedom in napping away a tiring ascent, immersed in a tawny high-mountain meadow?
How about good tread?
All this, and sharing the moment with your favorite people on the planet?
Yeah, that might do it!
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