Race organizers kindly showing my hypothetical time, should I have entered. Aw, that's so sweet you guys! |
Mrs Wulff awoke well before the crack of dawn Saturday in preparation of her second (yes second!) half marathon race.
Mrs Wulff soundly cursing show-offs cheering runners 4290, 2965 |
Oh yes, she's the designated runner on the team.
And we are all better off for it. (yes, she's indeed looking over my shoulder as I type this).
Ahem. Is she gone?
As I was about to say, Saturday, in the company of 4,999 other dedicated pavement stompers, Mrs Wulff volunteered to run for 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Without stopping.
mile 13: why is this woman smiling? |
hooray Mom! |
That's 13.1 miles for the uninitiated.
Good work Hon! You remain an inspiration to the rest of us layabouts.
Me? Well, I participated in a little cross-training myself while everyone else ran for like, 13.1 miles.
Like sampling the wares at the Cliff Vertical Rock Face Bar booth. The new Shot Bloks? Awesome. Shot Roks? Not so much. Think chocolate covered sawdust. That's been stomped in the mud, mashed into a dungball by a troop of pre-schoolers. That comes close- Bear Grylls himself wouldn't touch the stuff. No, not really Vertical Rock Face Bar attorneys: they were yummy too!
Oh and don't forget slurping yet another Moab latte delicioso.
Moab Aquatic Center, brand spankin new |
Or taking pictures of the local architecture.
cool column detailing |
Yep, I know what you're thinking: that's a full day right there! I know! ;-]