So I started kicking around a Plan B mtb trip thru the foothills, maybe some geocaching too- that'd be fun, huh kids? Weeeell, Plan B planning didn't get too far along before my team members started to wilt under the temptation of candy, sun, general neighborhood mayhem offered by the glorious spring day.

For me that proved to be what's become an annual rite of spring, the Tour de Foothills: stringing together a giant figure-8 by riding both ABQ foothills North and South in one monumental spin.

So noon found me setting off from the Copper TH, ipod tunes banging away, a whistle on my lips, a spring in my pedaling as I reveled in the sunshiny day all around me. Mile 6 found me questioning my resolve, as my bandy legs just couldn't get into the groove, warning me we'd remain friends if I was wise enuf to cap the ride at, say, our usual 11 miles. Any further, the relationship would most certainly suffer, don't say we didn't warn you.

Mile 11 had me pulling up at Embudo TH, to start the next leg. Thankfully, all body parts now seemed equally resigned to the journey, grumbling let's get this over with, it's our fastest way back to the truck. Right where I wanted em.

Finally, I make the crest of Blow Chunks, wobbling past a family of hikers, their jaws agape. Jeez, you'd think they never saw a guy on a bike in the throws of heat stroke before. wheeze...Mom, is that you?...wheeze.
Just down from the crest: salvation! Simply the loveliest little watercourse, freezing cold, having just found its way down from the Sandias. Never mind the other mtb'r relaxing streamside, I stumble a bit downstream, shedding bike, gloves, helmet, sunglasses like a dying man, to plunge face first into the first pool that falls within my wavering vision. Dam, but that's good!

Checking my watch, I realize I better get a move on, before I take root right here by the creek. I'm impressed my legs seemed to have recovered with the refueling, and I kick it up a notch to make the best of the next mile of tread: a snaky downhill run we've coined....Snake. Clever, no?
The pain of the seemingly endless climbs now behind me, I'm faced with the better part of 5 miles of speed runs interrupted only briefly by minor climbs to set up the next. I'm not long into the second run, carving turns at speed, leaning into the banks like never before, expertly ducking overhanging junipers, and actually bangin off some of the more moderate drops, when it hits me.
What the dudes in Bike like to call The Ride, it's all about The Ride.
Yup, nuf said!
Epilogue: what they don't tell you I find at Mile 21, where I drain the last of my water, despite milking it for the past 4 miles. I have to refuel again leaving Menaul TH, mid hill, within sight of Indian School, choking down my last Mike and Ikes, throat all dry and raspy, croak. Oh and that hill overlooking Indian School TH is off my Christmas card list, lemmetellya. As is that one-time wimp the next ridge over, how'd he get so big overnite anyway? Finally, I'm able to blast that last run back to the truck, sink into the sanctuary of the a/c on full, today's ride is done.
Refueling. Word of the day, no doubt. Sitting here, wry grin still on my face as I write this, it seems today's refueling is just what I needed.
Refueling. Word of the day, no doubt. Sitting here, wry grin still on my face as I write this, it seems today's refueling is just what I needed.
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