Sunday, May 20, 2012

good morning!

Brought to you by those good folks at Steaming Bean Coffee, DGO


  1. Good morning! Although my present cup doesn't look nearly so beautiful. :)

  2. Do you have any hot chocolate? I'm dying for some hot chocolate.

    1. ....mmmm chocolate. Now I'm dying for some too, thx Howard! ;-)

  3. Nice artwork....funny thing though - we could use better coffee shops in town. Would love something like RB Winnings, but will settle for a Satellite. Flying Star would be asking too much though...ha ha.

    1. Hey Matt! Love me my Satellite for my daily dose, but gotta give props to any shop that puts a little more love into their joe. Flying Star? pffft, careful what you wish for... ;-)

    2. LOL....Satellite is Flying Star, same company....stuff comes from the same bakery down on Edith! I spent many hours at Flying Star working on a grad degree... free refills on coffee and internet, oh man!

      Ditto for time at RB Winnings - they make everything from scratch...good people too - Matt "Doughboy" used to roast their beans and also work at Fat Tire, maybe he still does.

      Good stuff in ABQ for sure.

    3. Hey Matt- was referring really to those dangerous desserts offered at Flying Star. Death By Chocolate will literally be the death of me one day, just you watch. ;-]
