Explorations Fly Fishing and Mountain Biking in the West #flyfishing #mtb
Sunday, January 31, 2010
karmic, no?
rolling to the river
Thursday, January 28, 2010
a blue place
I imagine everyone has that special place they like to go to when things get a bit tough. Say you're suffering thru some dental work, a boring seminar, or yet another snowstorm in the offseason, you might let yourself drift off to that special somewhere to see you thru the moment.
Around here, we call it my Blue Place...
Recently I was combing thru some of my photos from fishing trips past, in an effort to bring some blue-place serenity into the ole office, and came across a series of pictures that absolutely define my Blue Place.
A remote, rugged, nearly inaccessible cutthroat stream, far off the beaten path.
Maybe not as great fishing as can be found in its brothers and sisters, however this bit of heaven has all the important ingredients in just the right proportions to make it my Blue Place.
Nuf said, I'll let the pictures do the talkin'~
Sunday, January 24, 2010
dream machine 2010

The team is proud to announce this year's entry was able to bring home some hardware, all in the heat of stiff competition! Good work Wolves of Pack 450!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
good morning!
snow falling this morning as this week's third storm hangs around for another day. Looks like a good weekend for coffee, kids basketball, pinewood derby. In that order~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
sunshiny winter's day
Rx: sunshiny blue skies+flowy singletrack+good company=F.U.N.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
today's ride
Not so fast my friend! There's still a good deal of melting snow up there: many of the northern exposures were either a sheet of ice or mud, take your pick. The topside of Snake proved a muddy mess, I felt a twinge of regret taking the youngsters down that line. Understand it will recover, just as it does every year. But the kids need to learn the ethics of the sport, so I took a minute to explain the situation, and why we needed to find drier tread. What we need up there is a good rain to melt the remaining snow, allow it to drain off.

In the meantime, we spent most of our time playing around on the snaky trails in the middle of Elena Gallegos. The kids, shoot all three of us to tell the truth, had a ball blasting down Snake, to then circle around back uphill to run it all over again. Like, three times!

As I sit writing this post, reliving today's fun, I am all the more aware I enjoy watching my kids' skills grow in a sport I love, just as much as I enjoy ripping a good run myself.

Lately, the boy has taken to bunny-hopping the dirt water bars, while the girl still prides herself on conquering each ascent of Blow Chunks Hill, dab free.

There were times today when I would catch looks of astonishment on the faces of passers by, or slow up to receive their compliments, as the kids offered their apologies and continued on their downhill run. At those moments I thought myself in agreement with their sentiments: you can't teach that kind of enthusiasm for biking, for life really.

But thinking back on it a bit more as I write this, I'm thinking maybe I had a hand in that after all.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
and then there were two
Greetings to all of our Friends and Subscribers.
On one hand we’re sad to announce that Fish Can’t Read has been sold and will no longer be published by the Fish Can’t Read and Dry Fly Media teams.
To those of you have read and enjoyed the magazine it has truly been our honor and pleasure to have had you along on our short journey.
At this point in time the new owners have not shared with us their immediate plans for resumption of publication of the magazine.
We wish you all the best this upcoming season –
Tight Lines –
The Fish Can’t Read Team
Friday, January 15, 2010
this just made me laff
EDIT: 4.50pm- the guys in the office reporting 52 total tickets issued, 2 escapees, 2 perps arrested. Here ya go fellas~
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Elvis rides!
Lessons learned:
The helmet cam footage didn't cut the mustard, I look like Gigantor due to wide-angle lens. (I can hear you snickering out there, not nice!) I could also adapt the seatpost mount onto the chainstay, try that, but that would leave the camera hanging out there to catch trailside hazards.
The AVS4You editing software allows you to dovetail music, raw film, special effects all together, you see a sound wave graphic of the soundtrack that makes queuing transitions spot on- you'll see what I mean.
Most importantly, AVS allows you to split and splice footage. I split the chestmount footage in a coupla spots, spliced in other viewpoints that when done, pick up the main footage where we left off. Cool, no?

Next up, fly fishing? San Juan is a callin'~
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Shadow Racing
Now that's what I'm talkinaboud!
Lessons learned:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Revise & Resubmit

Sunday, January 3, 2010
- Fish Spring cuttbows on the Rio~ been a coupla years since my last trip up that way, been wondering how my old friends are doing.
- Resume the annual Arkansas Caddis trip with my Dad~ mtb got in the way last year, thinking I just might bring the boy this year: 3 generations of Wulffs pounding the water, now that'd be a force to be reckoned with!
- Run the Bolder Boulder 10K~ sample some Front Range mtb trails while we’re at it (see always scheming!)
- Fish the Gunnison’s giant stone hatch~ been threatening this for some time, will this finally be the year?
- Ride Moab~ last year’s trip proved a mere shakedown cruise, leaving an itch not yet scratched, hate that!
- Explore the Continental Divide via mtb~ will be scheming this all winter long, believe you me.
- Pull my big bro down for some cutthroat fishing~ think I will lure him away from his Front Range favorites this year, show him around some of my favorite haunts.
- Ride the South Boundary Trail, Taos NM~ have not yet, rather abashed at the oversight.
- Explore that certain blue squiggle below the Divide~ again, will be scheming this all winter. Let’s just say it involves a bit of mtb to jump-off point, mountain goat bushwhack to above the falls, high alpine meadow, cutthroat headwaters that drain the Divide. I know!
- Fish Fall browns on the Rio~ mtb got in the way last fall, looking to repeat some heart-skipping takes in the depths of the gorge.
- Ride Sedona~ extended Wulffpack reunion brewing this year over Christmas, Sedona just might fit the bill. You know I heard they have great shopping, galleries, restaurants, did I mention the redrock mtb trails? (what me, scheming again? I'm just thinking of the children...!)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Field Testing: Hero #1
conducted some street and trail testing to get a handle on the new helmet cam. While I await the proper bike mounts to be delivered, I jury-rigged up the gorillapod for mounting on the bike stem, results follow.
Lessons Learned:
- gorillapod mount on the stem proved chattery, unstable: need better mount.
- audio is tinny, shouldn't prove to be a real problem as I'll audio overlay anyway.
- avoid low sun angles, which washes the vid out.
- focal length proves to be out to maybe 15-20 yards, any farther and the subjects prove too small to view.
- battery hog: burned thru rechargeable AAA nimh batteries in 2 hours: need LI batteries that are on order.
- the capture is pretty smooth at speed.
- Color and focus seem good.
- fisheye aperture gives good representation of surrounds, no tunnel effect.
- Totally hands free capture.
- Recorded 90min of vid before batteries ran out, schweet.
EDIT: playing around with vid edit software. Amazing what a heroic score will do to mask mediocre riding, huh? FYI that is indeed my theme music when I ride- lol.